Alta June Pool
Funeral Services for Alta June Pool, 96, will be conducted on July 17, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the First Congregational Church/UCC in Sheridan with Dr. Sheila Naismith and the Rev. Bob Miller officiating. Alta June passed away on July 8, 2019 in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. A native of Sheridan, she was born to Tom and Grace Ewoldsen on May 10, 1923. She lived on Big Goose on her parent’s dairy farm, attended Ewoldsen School and graduated from Sheridan High School in 1941. On July 2, 1943 she married Wilbur Pool at the First Congregational Church in Sheridan and they were married for 64 years. Wilbur died in August of 2007. Alta June worked at the Telephone Company as an operator, owned the Park Street Grocery Store and then worked as a study hall supervisor at Sheridan High School and Central Junior High School until she retired in 1988. Many students remember her as a loving caring role model in their lives.Alta June Pool was a Sheridan Senior Center volunteer for 24 years. She volunteered as a greeter for the annual flu shot registration clinic and was a Tel-a-Friend volunteer visiting with homebound clients on the phone. She was a Home Delivered Meals Driver, Ambassador, and driver for individuals. She served as local president of AARP\'s Chapter 676, from 1986 to 2009. She was the Chairman of the Sheridan County Hospital Blood Draw and Health Fair for 18 years. She and Wilbur received an award from the AARP for getting “life line” into Sheridan County and in 2010 Alta June was chosen for the Jefferson Award, Volunteer of the Year for the State of Wyoming.Alta June was very involved with The First Congregational Church for 65 years. She was a 15 year president of both the \"Cheeri Chix\" Homemakers, and Mayflower Circle of the Congregational Church, past president of the Sheridan County Homemakers and a guardian of Job\'s Daughter Bethel #27. Survivors include a daughter, Marilyn Puett of Omaha, Nebraska, a son, Tom (Nicki) Pool of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and six grandchildren: Melissa Puett Ricke (Jason) of North East, MD, Jonathan (Stacey) Puett of Bellevue, NE, Rebecca (Kennith) Bounds of Omaha, NE, T.J. (Jamie) Pool of Hamilton, MT, Jeremy (Melissa) Pool of Seattle, WA and Amanda (Keith) Mullen of Hamilton, MT. She is the proud great-grandmother of Ryelyn and Kestin Pool, daughters of T.J. and Jamie Pool. Lainy, J.J. and Celia Pool, daughters and son of Jeremy and Melissa Pool; Kyler and Brayden Bounds, sons of Rebecca and Kennith Bounds; Xavier and Asher Puett, sons of Jonathan and Stacey Puett and Sarah June Ricke, Daughter of Melissa and Jason Ricke.Memorials may be made to the First Congregational Church, 100 W. Works ST, Sheridan, Wyoming.Arrangements were with English Funeral Home in Coeur d’Alene and Kane Funeral Home in Sheridan.Kane Funeral Home has been entrusted with local arrangements.