John Kuiper
John David Kuiper (Dave) passed away June 7, 2020 in Sheridan with his wife by his side. He was born in Buffalo, Wyoming April 21,1934 to Thomas Exter Kuiper & Helen Seeman Kuiper.Dave was the youngest, brother to Frances Kuiper Enabnit and Tommy Kuiper. Dave grew up attending early years in Buffalo schools where his father was superintendent. Dave started highschool in Sheridan when his father served as second President of Sheridan College, and graduated his senior year from Thermopolis, Wyoming when his father became firstadministrator of today’s Pioneer Home.Dave graduated from Colorado State University with a Bachelor's Degree in agriculture and enlisted in the Army. He was sent to Germany immediately at the end of the Korean War. Aftercompleting his service to our country, Dave came home and worked for the Denver Stock Yards concentrating on feeder lambs and cattle. In 1967, Dave and brother Tommy bought a ranchnorth of Kaycee where Dave moved his young family, wife Patsy Beyer, daughter Judy and son Steven. After years in ranching, Dave proceeded into real estate and moved to Sheridan in1984.On April 16, 1988, Dave married Jeanette Pradere and moved to Buffalo joining Robinson Real Estate. Several years later, he formed Dave Kuiper Real Estate showing and selling for nearly30 years specializing in ranches and mountain properties. In his youth, Dave spent many days in the Big Horn mountains following his father’s summers working for the Forest Service. Lateras a livestock buyer, few would share the thousands of miles and many ranches Dave knew. If asked, Dave remembered every trail, stone and acre in much of Northern Wyoming, especiallythe Big Horns. Nobody knew the landscape as Dave did. When remembering Dave, thoughts of golfing, fishing, hiking, riding, teaching and of course laughing come to mind. Memories arise ofthe Shrine band in parades; Dave wearing the fez. Among all his talents as pilot, fisherman, golfer, cowboy, businessman, uncle, father and more, Dave will be remembered lovingly byeverybody he knew.Dave is survived by his wife, Jeanette; brother Tommy and wife Velda; daughter Judy, husband John Muller; son Steve and wife Tracy Kuiper; Karen and husband Jim Stratton; David Hepp;many grandchildren and great grandchildren; nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by parents and sister Frances Kuiper Enabnit.Donations can be sent to Kane’s Funeral Home in Sheridan on behalf of Dave or directly to the Shriner’s Children Hospital, 1275 E. Fairfax Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84103.A graveside service with military honors for Dave Kuiper will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 10:00 am at Sheridan Municipal Cemetery in the Juniper Heights section with Father Glenn Whewell officiating.Kane Funeral Home has been entrusted with local arrangements.